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Steps to be followed to Convert Mp3 to Text Format

In simple words, the conversion of recorded audio files into text is known as Audio transcription. Mostly, it involves the transcription of digital as well as non digital formats such as WAV, AU, MP3, Micro Cassettes, standard tapes and VHS. In the industry lingo, this audio transcription process is defined as the transcription of any recorded audio (excluding medical recording/dictations).

Now days, the Audio transcription (as a term) is undeniably extremely common. Generally, it encompasses a host of several other distinct categories as well such as digital and non-digital audio transcription and almost all the recording types (meetings, interviews, dictations, conferences, teleconferences etc.) Being a veteran audio transcription service provider, we’ve the knowledge of all the paradigms associated to the process of audio transcription. The following list includes the types of recordings that we actually transcribed:-

  • Conferences
  • Corporate Meetings
  • Podcasts
  • Radio shows
  • Dictations
  • Discussions
  • Focus group, and Seminars

Until and unless, the customized formatting isn’t requested explicitly, we adhere to the following document formats and notations:-

  • Deliberately, we transcribe verbatim in a recorded speech i.e. by including sounds like ahhs..umms and pauses as well.
  • With time stamping and a bold font, we mark the doubtful sentences/ words.
  • Our standard font size is Times New Roman.
  • We portray the personal interviews in the question and answer format and according to the client’s requirement, we  do and don’t identify the names.
  • The inaudible and indiscernible part are marked as [Inaudible] and [Indiscernible] in the transcript.
  • Only on request, we do the Stamping/Time coding.
  • US spelling and style is followed by us.
  • From our website only, you can pick up any format as there’re plenty of options available.
