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Recording interviews for transcription

Indeed, the uncertainty level is very high in an interview. You never know what an interviewer will ask you. Most of the time it happens that an interviewer don’t ask anything regarding the job but ask personal questions. So an interview is always unpredictable. But still, there are several things that you can reckon before and during an interview. These things are imperative for both: an interviewer as well as interviewee.

Before going for an interview, you must prepare a checklist in which you must include List of questions, Recording equipment, Microphones, Microphone cables Headphones, Spare Batteries Labeled tapes or Mini Discs and Marking pen or pencil. These articles will thoroughly prepare your for an interview.

The moment you walk in for an interview, there are certain things that you ought to keep in the mind before and during the interview.

  •  Switch off your mobile phone before you get inside for an interview
  • Place the microphones at a vantage position
  • Proper sitting arrangements
  • While interviewing, ensure that the conversation is being recorded
  • Simply being your talk with introduction
  • Don’t interrupt when the other person is speaking
  • Always ask sensible and thoughtful  questions
  • Be attentive while listening and portray yourself as a very attentive candidate who likes to listen to the person.

These are the certain tips that you must contemplate while giving an interview. Remember; store your recorded tapes in a cool place after labeling the same. So, will you follow the above mentioned instructions before walking in for an interview?

More on Interview Transcription.
